Russell Kraft

Senior Lecturer

Focus Area: 
Embedded Control & Control Systems Lab Development

Dr. Kraft is responsible for several courses in ECSE and Core Engineering. With many of the studio and lab courses, there is a continuous demand for updating equipment, software, procedures, objectives, and training of support. Current courses include VLSI Design, Applications in Control & Communication, and Embedded Control. Since Feb. 2016 duties have included maintenance and support of the ECSE teaching, research, & private servers and workstation system and its network with EDA tools. This includes tools from Cadence, Mentor, Synopsys, ANSYS, Sonnet, Keysight, Xilinx, Virtutech, and others. IC foundry Process Design Kits are maintained from several manufacturers, including GlobalFoundries, TSMC, ST Micro, CMP-IMAG, Hittite Microwave Corp., AMS, TI, MITLL, NGC, NCSU, and Raytheon.