Aren Paster

Senior Project Engineer

Aren Paster

Phone: 518-276-4829

Focus Area: 

manufacturing (machining, welding, injection molding, assembly)
product design
process flow


MBA Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
MS  Mechanical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
BS  Mechanical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Prior to joining the Design Lab, Aren served in various technical roles in industry, including manufacturing, sales, and engineering of bicycles, trains, gas turbine components, and metal melting equipment.

Awards & Honors: 

US Patents:

  • #8,696,478 Dasher Board Assembly
  • #9,308,065 Tooth Cleaning Mechanism
  • #10,029,168 Enhanced Safety Dash Board Assembly

Selected Publications: 

  • E-Beam Conference Proceedings, October 2008, “Effects of Scale Buildup on Water Cooled Copper Components”
  • Liquid Metal Processing & Casting Conference Proceedings, September 2007, “Flow Optimization for Drilled Water Passage Copper Products”
  • SME Technical Paper TP04PUB87, April 2004, A. Blum, V. Paedelt, Z. Rusak, A. Paster, S. Chiappone
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