Development of training interventions, behavior and performance evaluation using eye-tracking and wearable technologies, usability assessments and UX designs.
Semiconductor Power Devices and ICs, Wide Bandgap Semiconductors, Semiconductors, Electronics and Circuits
undergraduate education, including Controls courses, Multidiciplinary Capstone Design, independent study and advising
High speed circuits for wireless/optical transceivers, Millimeter wave and THz integrated circuits, biomedical and energy harvesting interface ICs
Control, Dynamics, Optimization, Mechatronics
engineering education, software engineering, systems engineering
Social Media Analytics, Social Network Analysis, Data Science, Network Science, Human Behavior Modeling
Embedded Control & Control Systems Lab Development
Mesoscopic Modeling in Materials, Morphological Evolution, Fuel Cells and Electrochemial Energy Conversion, Phase Transformations and Phase Diagrams
Dynamic Systems and Control, Precision Mechatronics, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Advanced Manufacturing, Energy Efficient Buildings
Electrical energy systems, Electric machines, Condition monitoring and online asset management of electrical equipment
Combustion, Propulsion and Energy Systems, Optical Diagnostics
Computational Modeling and Simulations, Polymer nanocomposites, Polymer processing and characterization, Protein structure and dynamics, Supercritical fluid assisted processing
Electromicrobiology, Electronic materials, Electrochemistry, Bio-assembled nanomaterials
optoelectronics, characterization, design, sensor development
Rapid Tooling, Environmentally Conscious Design, Machine Design
Wireless ultrasonic power transmission and digital communication , Piezoelectric transducer theory and design, Acoustic and ultrasonic wave theory, Embedded systems
The Design Lab School of Engineering Jonsson Engineering Center, 3232 110 8th Street Troy, NY 12180 USA 518-276-8293
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