
Proud of RPI students over the years who have designed tooling to help NABA employees with this work. Design Lab projects have included tooling to turn the neck tabs right-side-out after sewing, a fixture to help blind and visually impaired workers sew pockets onto safety vests, an improved shop layout to increase efficiency, among others.


Do you have a ‘Why Not Change the World’ idea but no way to move forward? Consider engaging a multidisciplinary Capstone student design team to assist.

A partnership between K&A Engineering Consulting, P.C. in White Plains, New York and the Rensselaer Design Lab charged students with the task of applying neural networks to electrical substations to help avoid future failures to the nation's power grid.

Students at Rensselaer's Design Lab with K&A Engineering Consulting, P.C., in White Plains, New York created a neural network to simulate emergency situations for training power grid substation workers.
The Design Lab at Rensselaer team has updated our brochure! We've expanded the contents and clarified how our work benefits our students and our sponsors.