Aids for People with Physical Challenges

Arm Motion Diagrams


  • Improve customer ease of life
  • Increase access to tools by developing custom wrist braces


  • Create new right and left hand braces
    • Increase comfort –custom fit
    • Decrease weight and profile
  • Improve left hand attachment system
    • Increase ease of attachment
    • Reduce weight
  • Create right hand attachment system
    • Interchangeable attachments

Team Members

  • Brendan Connolly (MECH)
  • Harlan Grossman (MTLE)
  • Tom Keegan (MECH)
  • HoMei Leung (MTLE)
  • Fangchen Liu (MTLE)
  • Kyle Persau (MECH)
  • John Romano (MECH)
  • Yihan Zhou (MECH)
Research Area
Health / Wellness & Assistive Technologies
Project Type
Product Development
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