Provide CASE with a modular test chamber to assess the impact of a variety of new technologies on environmental conditions and indoor air quality.
Technical Approach
- Analyze the effect of fan location and design on air flow in chamber
- Design and fabricate traverse insertion panel
- Update LabVIEW code for traverse movement and sensor analysis
- Design, construct, and perform thermal analysis on a scaled occupied office setting
- Design and fabricate a raised plenum ceiling for multiple configurations
- Simulate airflow and pressure drop ratings of ceiling panel models

- Fabricated an airtight panel for the traverse to perform its measurements
- Designed and fabricated two versions of plenum ceilings
- Ran infiltration analysis on the fully constructed chamber
- Applied the simulated designs for airflow trajectory and pressure effects for a fan, diffuser and plenum inlet
- Rewrote the LabVIEW code to enable three-axis movement by the traverse as well as the data acquisition program
- Simulations and models for surface roughness to assess the effects on airflow
- Performed temperature and relative humidity testing on the effect of heating elements

Aren Paster
Research Area
Energy and the Environment
Project Type
Product Development
Funding Agency/Sponsor
Center for Architecture Science and Ecology