My Mobility Test

S16 AGS Balance


As we age, our mobility changes in many ways. Most common is a reduction ofour ability to maintain balance, sometimes leading to falls. Over 1/3 of people over 65 fall each year. Falling is the leading cause of death among seniors and lead to 30 bllion dollars annually in medical expenses.

A system that can monitor our balance can provide insights on this reduction of balance capability and potentially provide a warning of increased risk of falling.


The Design Lab, in partnership with the Albany Guardian Society, has been exploring balance any mobility topics for many years leading to an approach for mobility testing. The team's purpose this semester is to:

  • Provide an application that collects accelerometer data while taking a Timed up and Go (TUG) test - a medically used standard for assessing balance
  • Provide a website to access the data collected by the application

The team leverages several key information technologies for the project.

S16 AGS Balance - Key Technologies
S16 AGS Balance - Key Technologies


  • Deploy website to AGS server
  • Create cross-platform application with Ionic
  • Update to fix bugs & failures
  • Strengthen website to ensure compliance with HIPAA Title II
  • Collect experimental data from senior citizens
S16 AGS Senior Mobility Testing Technical Approach
S16 AGS Senior Mobility Testing Technical Approach
Mark J Anderson
Research Area
Health / Wellness & Assistive Technologies
Project Type
Product Development
Funding Agency/Sponsor
Albany Guardian Society
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