Robotic Wingbox Assembly

Robotic Wingbox Assembly


Reduce need for human work inside wingbox, increasing efficiency, safety and decreasing costs.


Design and simulate robotic arms that can properly apply sealant to the inside of an airplane’s wingbox

Cross section of wingbox
Cross section of wingbox


  • Design robot arms whose end effector can apply sealant.
  • Using information from the test bed and other sources, define proper positioning and articulation of sealant applicator.
  • Create CAD models that represent Boeing wingboxes.
  • Model and simulate three sealant application robots.
  • Determine viability of different designs and make recommendations to Boeing.

Accomplishments / Test Results

  • Created a simulation environment inside of Robotic Operating Environment and created an easy to distribute Virtual Machine.
  • Tested 3 arm designs inside of the simulation environment.
Junichi Kanai
Mark J Anderson
Research Area
Manufacturing, Automation, and Control
Project Type
Funding Agency/Sponsor
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